2014年9月26日 星期五

iPad mini iOS 8.0 更新為 iOS 8.0.2

美東時間 24 日, Apple 官方釋出 iOS 8.0.1 的更新,想不到才釋出短短不到幾小時時間,因為嚴重的 Bug 而緊急下架,更新 iOS 8.0.1 的使用者,不但無法播打電話,更無法使用指紋辨識功能,使得 Apple 不得不緊急下架。

隔沒幾天,在今天早上官方已經發佈並釋放出 iOS 8.0.2 的更新,來吧!!不怕死的就先來更新當當白老鼠。


This release contains improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fixes an issue in iOS 8.0.1 that impacted cellular network connectivity and Touch ID on iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
  • Fixes a bug so HealthKit apps can now be made available on the App Store
  • Addresses an issue where 3rd party keyboards could become deselected when a user enters their passcode
  • Fixes an issue that prevented some apps from accessing photos from the Photo Library
  • Improves the reliability of the Reachability feature on iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
  • Fixes an issue that could cause unexpected cellular data usage when receiving 
  • SMS/MMS messages
  • Better support of Ask To Buy for Family Sharing for In-App Purchases
  • Fixes an issue where ringtones were sometimes not restored from iCloud backups
  • Fixes a bug that prevented uploading photos and videos from Safari

進一步了解 iOS 8
iPad mini iOS 7.1.2 更新為 iOS 8.0

